Wednesday, February 6, 2019

My philosophical views of love and like

Many of you must have listened the words "like" and "love".

Surely, you all must be using it in your daily life.
According to my philosophical views, love is unconditional. The word unconditional itself defines it that no condition is applied on it. If you love someone, you will accept him or her with all of his or her abilities and disabilities. You don't demand any kind of perfection in anyone if you are in love with that person.
As once a man fell for a girl. The girl was not that much beautiful. But for him that girl was above everyone. People used to ask him,
"Why you are dying for that girl? In fact she is not beautiful.

His answer was very beautiful.
Can u imagine what his answer was?
Let me tell you!
“He said you people are looking her with your own eyes, when you people would see her with mines you would able to know how beautiful she was beautiful”

Look how beautifully this parable is explaining the beauty of love...that unconditional love....

On the other hand, according to me, the word “like” has different meaning. It involves perfection. You can like someone because of his or her ability, beauty, skill etc. If someone is beautiful you will like his or her beauty. Once someone's beauty or ability has gone, you might not like that person. Because the reason of your liking has gone now.

Well it’s just my point of view.

In short, for me, liking someone includes involvement of either perfection or standard but love is unconditional and it should b.

I used to think over it again and again, and after all of it I have come to above conclusion.

You people have different understanding of these words.
Can you people define and differentiate between these two words?